Safe Hair Aftercare And AAT

All skin tests must be carried out 48 hours prior to a colour appointment. A consultation will be carried out at the same time. We will ask your hair and scalp history, your expectations, strand test, incompatability test and elasticity test. You will be required to leave a non refundable deposit of £30.00. Please allow a maximum of 30 minutes for this appointment.

Please leave the skin test area uncovered for 45 minutes and avoid contact with clothes.

After 45 minutes you may remove the test using Luke warm water .

If you experience a reaction within the 48 hour period please notify the salon immediately and seek medical advice.

We are a professional salon and do not colour any ones hair under the age of 16 we may require evidence of age.

Michelle England Salon insist on an annual skin test as an absolute minimum, but we suggest and advise you to have a skin test prior to every colour.

The absence of a reaction to this test is no guarantee that an allergic reaction may not occur as a result of a future hair colouring process however this test is an important precaution. Please consult hour doctor should you have any doubts.

We are also a colourstart salon as a alternative to a skin test procedure this process is also recommended. Please allow at least 5 days for this skin test procedure. For more information please visit

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